
8 Behaviors That Reveal Someone Was Raised By Depressed Parents

The National Council on the Developing Child Working Paper on Mother Depression estimates that upwards of 20% of mothers feel depressed at one point in their lives. This is often while their children are young.

Depression doesn’t only affect women…

Females are twice as likely, however. According to the American Psychological Association (APA), 9 percent of American men experience daily anxiety or depression.

Why are these numbers important?

Children, especially younger ones, need constant interaction with adults. Dr. Masgrove says “Healthy development of young children depends on consistent, consistent, and responsive interactions with a primary caregiver.” It’s worth noting that approximately one-third (33%) of working fathers are also regular caretakers.

ParentsUntreated depression sufferers are less likely to be able or willing to help their children with homework, remind them of a doctor’s appointment, read them a story at bedtime, or even help them remember their appointments. This is how it works:The quality of caregiving is affected and often the child’s development is negatively affected.

Ann Masgrove is a University of Arizona developmental scientist. She specializes in human development and family studies. It is possible that her career choice stemmed from what she experienced as a child. Masgrove’s story is tragic and sad.

“When I think back on my mother as a child, there is not one memory of her smiling. “My mother suffered from depression throughout her life. It affected me and my siblings every day.” Dr. Ann Masgrove: “How my mom’s depression shaped the rest of my life.”

Masgrove states, “We quickly realized that we could not depend on (my mom) for emotional and physical support.” “At 7 years old, I was appointed to be my family’s caregiver.”

It can be difficult to transition from childhood to adulthood. We will be focusing on the effects of maternal and parental depression upon reaching adulthood.



Many children with severe disciplinary problems often have dysfunctional homes. If the problem (e.g., poor parenting or depression) is not addressed, there are increased chances of behavioral and disciplinary problems continuing into adulthood.

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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), children of depressed parents are more likely than others to have social problems. “The strongest evidence for the effect of attachment status on the kid is with respect to peer relationships.”

According to the WHO, these social problems “have been proven to be”Related to behavioral problems, particularly in boys, such as disruptiveness, aggression and delinquency.

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A child who is concerned about mommy and daddy’s problems may become disengaged from the outside world. This can be a problem as young children need outside stimulation to develop their brains. This relative lack of interest can sometimes extend to their peers.

Social withdrawal or isolation can be devastating for a child’s growth.


Studies have shown thatChildren of depressed parents are three times more likely than children with non-depressed parents to experience depression and anxiety.

Healthline reports that scientists believe that up to 40% of people with depression can trace it back to a genetic link. 60% of this is due to environmental factors.

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Poor emotional intelligence (EI), in adults with depressed parents, is most likely due to either (1) infrequent caregiver interaction, which stunts emotional development, or (2) withdrawing from peers, which are essential for this type of intelligence.

The four components of EI are more important than IQ and educational attainment. They include self-awareness, self management, social awareness, relationship management, and self-management.

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Dr. Masgrove says: “I was perfectionist, an overachiever.Always trying to get my mom to notice me“I was always looking for her love and acceptance. I just never got it.” Masgrove’s personality continued into adulthood.

The opposite is the case for those children-turned-adults with deep-rooted cognitive, psychological and/or social problems.

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A review by the World Health Organization (WHO), found that there is some evidence linking the quality of psychosocial support – as measured by caregivers’ affection, openness and warmth – and the person’s nutritional and growth status.

Inadequate caregiving can lead to depression, which can ultimately have a negative impact on a person’s physical health.

8. 8.

According to the WHO report, infant temperament, especially infant difficulty, is associated with caregiver-child interaction. Mothers also report feeling overwhelmed by the difficulties of caring for vulnerable children.

Strong environmental roots are unquestionably responsible for feelings of overwhelm (e.g. anxiety).It’s something we all have to deal with. But, the caregivers can also influence one’s outlook and cause them to feel lost.